One week till Fine and Funky

I’m so excited and the countdown has begun — one week from yesterday Fine and Funky will be in the Opera Galleria, Downtown Fort Collins. And it’s my first time doing a show like this, so I’m super nervous, too! Come and see me — And see Kat Peters-Midland, of Two Dog Art Studio, since she and I are sharing a booth! As the week progresses, I’m going to try to post some sneak peeks of what I’m prepping for the show.

Fine & Funky

I’m also finishing up my mask for the Masks at MOA fundraiser at the Fort Collins Museum of Art. No, I don’t have a sponsor yet, but if you know anyone who would like to sponsor my mask, please let me know. A home goods or decor store, or even a realtor might be a good candidate. Visit the Masks as MOA page to learn more about the benefits of being a mask sponsor.

New Year, New Focus

I am both sad and happy to report that I am moving out of my studio at Poudre Studio Artists & Galleries; tomorrow I’ll be turning in my keys. I’ve been there for 2 1/2 years now, doing marketing, making art, and, at times, acting as treasurer and gallery administrator for the group. It’s been a lot of work, a lot of fun, a lot of highs and a lot of lows. I’ve made friends and connections within the Fort Collins business and art communities and I’ve ruffled lots of feathers. I don’t regret any of it, for it’s helped me define more clearly who I am and what I want to accomplish with my life.

Some of the things I learned and ideas that were reinforced in my mind:

  • First impressions? Go with your gut.
  • Nothing gets done if you are afraid to speak up and rattle a few cages.
  • You never know until you ask. (or “throw it against the wall and see what sticks”)
  • And grandma’s favorite saying, “Where there’s a will, there’s a way,” still rings true.

I gave it my all, folks, just like I do with most things I touch. I wish everybody over at PSA the best of luck as they continue to grow and evolve. I look forward to being part of the visiting public on First Fridays in the future!

whee! new sharpies!

There is Nothing Left For Me Here
There is Nothing Left For Me Here

As you know, I am a Sharpie fiend. FIEND, I tell you! I’ve been searching for over a month for the new Sharpie Stained fabric pens and finally found some today at Office Max. What made today a banner day, though, was finding out that they were having a buy 2, get 1 free sale. I picked out a set of Sharpie 80s Glam Ultra Fine pens, since I don’t have those colors yet. Then I was torn for the last set of pens…should I replace my dying black big thick gargantuan markers, or try something new? “New” won out and I picked up 2-pack of fine black retractable Sharpie pens. JOY! Tonight will be a feast for my journal, during sofa time, with me and my new pens.

It’s the little things, folks.

In other news, tomorrow night, 9/2, is Fort Collins Gallery Walk. If you are in the area, please stop by Poudre Studio Artists and Galleries! You can find me in studio 211, working on some project or another or flitting about, visiting with our guests. We have an exhibit in our gallery this month called Recycle It!, featuring artwork made with 75% recycled materials. I have three collages in the show, one of which is shown here (click for a larger view).

If you like garage sales, our studio artists are having an indoor “sidewalk” sale during gallery walk, too. I’ve got 50% off all arty supplies and even some discounts going deeper than that! I’ve also previewed some of the other artists’ sales and boy, you don’t want to miss it! I’m just sayin’! Boyer’s Coffee has been kind enough to sponsor the evening by coming out and serving free coffee to our visitors, so I think you’ll find at least one of your vices covered when you stop by.

So, it’s September, everybody. What neat projects do you have planned for when the weather eventually cools down? Need some inspiration? Check out my new friend Heather’s blog. She’s such a clever gal. I think you’ll like what she has to share with you!

Don’t forget about my upcoming Composition Book Journaling and Reclaimed Envelope Book classes, on October 1 and September 17, respectively. Email me to sign up — it’s guaranteed to be a great time for all! If you register by September 7, you can take $10 off the class fee.

finding the tracey flowers

It’s been a week since I’ve been in my studio and boy, am I surprised at how much I missed it! So, despite all of the other artists having to listen to me cough, I’m very happy I dragged my post-sickness fanny over here. As I sit here in the upstairs hallway, I can see and hear a bunch of activity: Laurie moving her studio across the hall, Steve going outside to photograph the train every time it comes by, Yann listening to the radio, Carrie feverishly drawing on a humongous canvas. I love it here.

This morning I penciled in a painting I’m going to do on my studio wall. Yes, ON my studio wall. They are Tracey Flowers. This photo is a quick cell phone camera shot of the image I was projecting so I could trace over it (thanks Yann, for letting me borrow your projector!). I think it’s going to be a lot of fun. And there will be glitter.

Now I’m off to our board meeting (yawn, but necessary!)

When you get a moment, though, please go read my post over at the eeep! productions blog. There’s a short post about the great speaker/author  Todd Henry and I think you may develop a crush on him, too.